How Alt Text Works On gosadi

Alt text, also known as "alternative text," plays a crucial role in making your online content accessible to everyone, especially those using screen readers and assistive technologies. Alt text is a feature that can greatly benefit users who are visually impaired or use screen readers to access the internet. In this post, we will discuss how alt text works on gosadi and how to use it effectively.

How does Alt text work on gosadi

gosadi provides an alt text field named “Caption” under each individual picture in the Gallery tab. 

Since some Selling Channels support captions and some support Alt Text, we have found that combining them allows gosadi users to make sure all photos follow best practices. 

Are Alt text imported from Etsy

Alt text will auto-populate with information gathered during the Housekeeping process if you have done an import from Etsy. 

Are Alt text imported from Ravelry

Alt text will remain blank if you have imported from Ravelry. But the great news is that it will export TO Ravelry if you make changes in gosadi.

How do I enter/edit Alt text?

1. Click on "Manage Product" and select "Product Library" to edit an existing product or “Create Product” to add a new one.

2. Go to the Gallery tab and click “Edit Details” for an existing product or upload a new image.

If the “Caption” field is already populated with information gathered during the import process, you can edit it if necessary. If it is blank, this is a great opportunity to add your alt text.

Include any relevant details that would help someone understand the content of the picture. Check out Alt Text Best Practices for more information.

Remember to save your updates by clicking  “SAVE & CONTINUE”.

Final thoughts

Making your online content inclusive and accessible to all users is a responsibility that benefits everyone. By incorporating well-crafted alt text on Gosadi, you contribute to a more inclusive internet, ensuring that individuals with visual impairments or using assistive technologies can fully engage with your content.

Remember, alt text is not just a compliance requirement; it is a way to demonstrate empathy and respect for all users, regardless of their abilities. By embracing accessibility best practices, you foster a more diverse and welcoming online community. So, let's make the web a better place for everyone, one alt text at a time!

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