Alt Text Best Practices

Alt text, also known as "alternative text," plays a crucial role in making your online content accessible to everyone, especially those using screen readers and assistive technologies. 

What does Alt text do

When properly crafted, Alt text provides a textual representation of images, enabling your visually impaired customers to understand the content and function of visual elements.

You may add or edit the Alt text for your pictures that have been imported from Selling Channels. You may refer How Alt text Works On gosadi.

What are best practices when adding Alt text

Be Descriptive and Concise

Alt text should be a succinct yet detailed description of the image's content and purpose. Clearly convey the message of the image while staying within 125 characters, if possible. For more complex images, longer descriptions may be needed, but try to maintain conciseness without sacrificing clarity.

Focus on Relevant Details

When crafting alt text, stick to the essential information that helps your customers comprehend the image's significance. Exclude unnecessary or irrelevant details that don't contribute to understanding the image's context.

Use Plain Language

Make the alt text easy to comprehend for all your customers, including those who might not be familiar with the subject matter. Avoid technical jargon and specialized terminology, favoring simple and straightforward language.

Avoid "Image of" or "Picture of"

Refrain from using redundant phrases like "image of" or "picture of" in the alt text. Screen readers already announce that an image is being described, and including this information only adds unnecessary bulk to the description.

Refer to gosadi's Alt Text Guidelines

For further guidance on how to implement alt text effectively on gosadi, you can refer to How Alt Text Works on gosadi. It provides platform-specific instructions to ensure your alt text is properly utilized.

Final Thoughts

By adhering to these Alt text best practices, you can create a more inclusive and accessible online experience for all your customers. Remember that crafting Alt text is a small yet impactful step towards a more universally accessible web.

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