Housekeeping for Etsy Listing

Are you ready to optimize your Etsy shop and streamline your pattern management process? In this post, we’ll walk you through the Housekeeping process for your patterns on Etsy while using gosadi. We'll explore the various fields in Etsy and how they relate to product information tabs in gosadi. Whether you're new to gosadi or looking to enhance your pattern management skills, this article has got you covered.

Getting Started With gosadi

If you are new to gosadi, we recommend checking out the following articles to get started:

Connecting and Importing from Selling Channels

Introduction to Housekeeping

Understanding Your Etsy Pattern Details in gosadi

While gosadi SMARTS!™ simplifies the process of importing your pattern details from Etsy, it is not a one to one matching system. This means that we’ll catch a lot of your pattern details from Etsy and bring them into gosadi, but because Etsy uses data differently than other Selling Channels such as Ravelry, you will have a wee bit of Housekeeping to do for your patterns.

Patterns from Multiple Channels

If you have imported patterns from various Selling Channels, like Ravelry and Etsy, and they share the same name, gosadi SMARTS!™ automatically adds "on Etsy" to the pattern imported from Etsy. This helps you distinguish between the two, making it easier to update and manage them through gosadi. You can also Merge them into a single product with the magic of gosadi SMARTS!™, but more on that in a future post.

Etsy Files and Updates

You may notice that your pattern displays as "On Etsy" rather than as a PDF within gosadi. This is due to how Etsy manages files upon import. The good news is that you can add any updates you want to your pattern and upload new PDFs directly through gosadi. Your original file will remain on Etsy until you sync a new file through gosadi. There's no need for immediate action here unless you have files to update. Once you Merge patterns, you'll see how gosadi seamlessly ties your files together across all platforms.

Optimizing Your Etsy SEO Tags

In addition to simplifying pattern management, gosadi SMARTS!™ offers a head start on optimizing your Etsy Selling Channels tab. It provides suggested words and phrases for Etsy SEO (or EtsyO as we call it) tags, making it easier to improve the discoverability of your patterns on Etsy.

Final Thoughts

Managing your patterns on Etsy with gosadi can greatly enhance your efficiency as a designer and seller. While there may be some Housekeeping tasks involved, the benefits of centralized pattern management and SEO optimization are well worth the effort. Whether you're a seasoned seller or just starting out, gosadi is here to simplify your Etsy experience. Happy pattern Management!

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