Creating a New Product

As a designer, showcasing your creations on various Selling Channels can significantly boost your visibility, brand awareness and sales. While importing patterns is a great start, creating new products in your gosadi Product Library opens up even more opportunities to be efficient and reach bigger audiences. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of creating a new product on gosadi, from choosing your craft type to publishing it on your desired Selling Channel. Additionally, we'll explore how you can easily manage multiple Selling Channels from a single gosadi listing set up.

How do I create a new product

To begin creating a new product on gosadi, follow these steps. Remember to click “SAVE & CONTINUE” as you move from one page to the next:

Step 1: Access "Manage Product" and Click "Create Product"

Log in to your gosadi account, navigate to "Manage Product," and click "Create Product" to start the product creation process.

Step 2: Choose Your Craft Type

Select the appropriate craft type that best represents your product. This forms the foundation for your creation.

Step 3: Fill Out Pattern Details

In the Pattern Details tab, provide essential information about your pattern, including Pattern Name, Pattern Level, Published Month & Year, and identifying where your pattern is published, this includes identifying available Selling Channels. Lastly, complete the "More Info URL" field to add a link with additional details. 

Step 4: Define Categories and Subcategories

Help potential buyers find your product easily by accurately defining the categories and subcategories that best describe your pattern. You may add multiple categories and enter custom sub categories.

Depending on what Selling Channels you connect to, this can be a powerful way to get found by people looking for patterns.

Step 5: Provide Detailed Information

In the Nitty Gritty tab, offer precise details about your pattern, such as yarn weight and hook size. Fill out the Size Information box with appropriate dimensions.

Step 6: Add Attributes

Use the Attributes tab to search the attributes picklist and add relevant characteristics and sub-attributes. 

Step 7: Add Languages

Specify the languages in which your pattern is available.

Step 8: Showcase Your Product with Images

In the Photo Gallery tab, upload clear, well-lit images that accurately represent your product. High-quality images enhance the appeal to potential buyers. Add Captions/ Alt text to enhance your customer experience.

Step 8: Upload Necessary Files

Use the Files tab to upload essential files for your pattern, such as PDFs or any other related materials.

Step 9: Utilize Descriptive Text  (Optional)

The Descriptive Text tab allows you to include extra information or notes about your pattern, offering additional context for potential buyers.

Step 10: Choose Your Selling Channel

In the Selling Channels tab, select your desired Selling Channel and verify all pattern information before proceeding.

At the bottom of the gosadi DLP tab marke the pattern as “Visible on DLP” or “Hide on DLP” to determine if the product will appear on your public facing gosadi page.

Save or Publish Your Product

Once you have completed all the necessary fields, choose to either save your work as a draft or publish it directly to your chosen Selling Channel. Saving as a draft allows you to revisit and make changes before making it public.

How do I access my drafts

Click “Manage Product” and select “Product Library”, then click “Drafts” to see all products that were saved but not  published to your DLP.

Can I Edit My Product Details After Publishing It

Yes! You can edit your product details even after it has been published. To do so, go to "Manage Product" > "Product Library" and select the product you want to edit. Make the necessary changes and save them to update your product's information. Remember to “Save & Publish” your edits when you're ready for your customers to see the changes.

Can I Manage Multiple Selling Channels Through My gosadi Account

Absolutely! gosadi allows you to manage multiple Selling Channels, such as Ravelry, Etsy, and others, from a single account. You’re able to edit a single product and push updates to each Selling Channel in isolation. This feature streamlines product and sales management across different platforms, saving you time and effort.

Final Thoughts

Creating and managing products on gosadi is a powerful tool to grow your crafting business. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively showcase your patterns and reach a broader audience through various Selling Channels. Don't hesitate to leverage the convenience of gosadi to take your crafting journey to new heights!

To explore all the features and benefits that gosadi has to offer, visit our website today!