Understanding Yarn selection on GoSadi, as related to Ravelry pattern imports

When creating a pattern listing on Ravelry, you may select from their extensive database of high-quality yarns, sourced from a global array of yarn companies.

It's crucial to understand that Ravelry's list of yarns has been meticulously curated and diligently maintained by the yarn companies themselves. So while their list is indeed robust, you might encounter an instance where the yarn you wish to include in your pattern is not readily available within the Ravelry picklist.

Should you find yourself unable to locate the yarn you're seeking, Ravelry allows you the ability to save custom yarns. This custom entry will appear in the Ravelry interface as a Suggested Yarn on your pattern page, which you can see here on our Alpha user Natalie of Detroit Knots’ pattern.

In this article, we’ll dive into the implications of having a Suggested Yarn in your pattern on Ravelry when you then import your patterns to GoSadi.

First: Understanding GoSadi Yarn Picklist

The yarn picklist in GoSadi is directly connected with the Ravelry database, drawing upon their library of yarn choices. This gives GoSadi users access to those yarns for pattern creation and import.

However, it's imperative to understand that while our system exclusively interfaces with yarn options that have been validated and vetted by Ravelry in their database, this does not include previously mentioned yarns added by users as new Suggested Yarns

As a result, manually inputted suggestions of yarn for your patterns on Ravelry, when not selected from the Ravelry picklist, are not integrated with our import process. 

So now you might be asking: What happens if my Suggested Yarn is not imported?

Should you encounter a situation where a yarn you desire isn't listed in Ravelry's database, don't be disheartened. We've got you covered with a simple approach:

  1. Locate Your Pattern within your Product Library on GoSadi

  2. Navigate your way to  the Nitty Gritty Screen, then navigate to the Yarn section

  3. Begin typing  at least three characters to populate a list of yarns that match your input. If you do not see the yarn you are looking for you can create it by adding a yarn.

  4. Save your changes by clicking "Save & Continue."

Keep in mind, while GoSadi is directly connected to the yarn database on Ravelry, GoSadi does not create new yarns on their database at this time. This means that when you add a new yarn on GoSadi, it is available in our picklist and our database and will appear on your pattern page as a Suggested Yarn (as shown above) but not be added to the Ravelry database.

You can also encourage the yarn dyer or company to add their yarn to the Ravelry database using this link

Final Thoughts

While incorporating custom yarns into your Ravelry pattern listing introduces nuances worth considering, our systematic approach empowers you to capture the details of your masterpiece.

To explore all the features and benefits that GoSadi has to offer, visit our website today!