Hiding Patterns On Your Designer Landing Page

GoSadi’s Designer Landing Page (DLP) offers designers a powerful way to display their pattern inventory for makers from a single place.  From deliberate pattern curation to timely showcases, the DLP allows Designers to be in control of how you represent your brand.

Why Hide on DLP?

GoSadi’s Hide on DLP feature can be used to help you control what patterns are shown publicly on your DLP while still having them active in your pattern library to manage on Selling Channels. These are two examples of how this feature can be used:

Hiding Older Works
: Refining your design aesthetics means certain patterns no longer reflect your brand's current direction so while you may keep them available on Selling Channels, you may not actively show or promote them on your DLP. Use the Hide on DLP feature and, like magic, your older works are no longer displayed.  Instead, your visible designs reflect a cohesive and relevant collection.

This is different from Archiving your patterns because when you Hide them from your DLP, they remain active in your library. When you Archive patterns they are not only hidden from your DLP, but archived from your active library.

Strategic Pattern Display: GoSadi’s Hide on DLP lets you display patterns that are timely in the season or moment.

Running a seasonal promotion, a collaboration, or a special event?  Hide on DLP hides the patterns that don’t serve the current focus, while showcasing those relevant to your target audience without confusing them or diluting your focus.

Maybe you have several patterns that require Housekeeping?  Patterns that aren’t ready for prime-time can be hidden from your DLP in bulk or as one-offs until you’ve performed housekeeping and have decided they’re ready for the world to see.

How to Hide Patterns on Your DLP

Hiding patterns from your DLP can be done individually or in bulk.

Individually Hiding Patterns

  1. Click Manage Products and select Product Library

  2. Click on a product

  3. Navigate to the Selling Channels tab

  4. At the top, click the GoSadi DLP tab

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the DLP tab and click “Hide on DLP” 

  6. Click “Publish (or Sync) to GoSadi DLP”

Once you’ve hidden patterns, refresh your DLP to see that they no longer appear there.

Hiding Patterns Using Bulk Actions

  1. Click Manage Products and select Product Library

  2. Click the checkbox for multiple patterns
    Note:  The pattern must be published on the GoSadi Selling Channel marked by the GoSadi fan.

  3. In the upper right of the Product Listings, click the purple “Bulk Actions” button

  4. Choose “Hide Selected Listings from DLP”

Once you’ve hidden patterns, refresh your DLP to see that they no longer appear there.

How to Make Patterns Visible Again on Your DLP

You can return patterns to visibility on your DLP using similar steps as above.  Visibility can be restored either individually or in bulk actions.

Individually Restore Visibility to Patterns

  1. Click Manage Products and select Product Library

  2. Click on a product

  3. Navigate to the Selling Channels tab

  4. At the top, click the GoSadi DLP tab

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the DLP tab and click “Visible on DLP” 

  6. Click “Publish (or Sync) to GoSadi DLP”

Once you’ve restored visibility to patterns, refresh your DLP to see that they appear there.

Bulk Restore Visibility to Patterns

  1. Click Manage Products and select Product Library

  2. Click the checkbox for multiple patterns
    Note:  The pattern must be published on the GoSadi Selling Channel marked by the GoSadi fan.

  3. In the upper right of the Product Listings, click the purple “Bulk Actions” button

  4. Choose “Hide Selected Listings from DLP”

Once you’ve hidden patterns, refresh your DLP to see that they no longer appear there.

Other Helpful DLP Tips

Archive and Unarchive Patterns
Deleting Patterns from your Product Library
Archive versus Delete versus Hide
Managing Patterns on your DLP