Housekeeping for Ravelry

After connecting to Ravelry and importing your inventory, patterns may require some details to be updated to get the optimized use of gosadi. These updates are referred to as Housekeeping in gosadi, and are an important step in the gosadi experience. In this post, we’ll walk through the process of completing Housekeeping tasks for your Ravelry patterns using gosadi. 

If you're new to gosadi, we recommend checking out the following articles to get started:

Connecting and Importing from Selling Channels

Introduction to Housekeeping

Why do my Ravelry patterns require Housekeeping

Once your patterns are imported from Ravelry some fields will be left blank, requiring Housekeeping. The specific Housekeeping tasks may vary based on the Selling Channels you utilize. Below is a list of the tabs we'll cover in this post. You can easily navigate to a specific section by clicking on the jump links.

Let's dive into the details of each tab and the Housekeeping process!

  1. Pattern Details

  2. Categories

  3. Nitty Gritty

  4. Attributes

  5. Languages

  6. Gallery

  7. Files

  8. Descriptive Text

  9. Selling Channels

How do I perform Housekeeping on my Ravelry patterns

Step 1: Identify Ravelry Housekeeping Tasks

  1. Click on "Manage Product" and select "Product Library" to access all your listings.

  2. Check the notification at the top of the screen to identify the number of products that require housekeeping.

  3. All patterns requiring Housekeeping will have an alert icon next to their image.

If you have connected multiple selling channels, check the Selling Channel to verify the pattern was imported from Ravelry. You can also use the FILTER option to bring up only Ravelry patterns if you have connected multiple Selling Channels.

Step 2:  Performing Housekeeping on Your Ravelry Patterns

  1. Select the Ravelry pattern you want to update and begin updating fields on each tab.

    As you’re updating fields, remember to click on "SAVE & CONTINUE" to save your progress as you go through the Housekeeping process and tab.

Pattern Details

“Pattern Details” is the first step to completing Housekeeping. All fields with an asterisk are required to be completed, but completing all fields is highly encouraged to get all the benefits of using gosadi.

The "Pattern Level" field is an additional field offered by gosadi, not present in Ravelry. If you mention a Pattern Level in your description or notes, gosadi SMARTS™ will detect and fill it in. Otherwise, you'll need to enter this information manually. It's essential for gosadi best practices, including SEO for your patterns across the interwebs.

Check “Available on a Selling Channel”, then check Ravelry so that you can “Sync to Ravelry” in a later step.


The “Categories” fields help to classify your pattern, You may add as many categories as you wish.

Nitty Gritty:

The “Nitty Gritty” fields allow you to enter details related to needle / hook, yarn, gauge and sizing. Be sure to scroll to the bottom to complete all fields and save your selections.


The "Attributes" tab allows you to define various characteristics or properties associated with your pattern. You have the flexibility to add multiple attributes, simply by using the Attributes picklist. 

It's important to note that this picklist follows a hierarchical structure. When you hover over the Parent option, you can choose from the available child options, creating a comprehensive and detailed set of attributes for your pattern. This helps in accurately categorizing and describing your patterns, providing valuable information to customers and enhancing the overall browsing experience.

One advantage of gosadi is the ability to easily add Attributes using the Search feature on the Attributes screen. Simply enter the attribute you want to add. Whether it's a primary Attribute or a "child" Attribute, you can easily locate and include it within your patterns. This seamless feature not only saves valuable time but also enhances your overall pattern designing experience.

It's important to note that the attribute search functionality is subject to the available Attributes predetermined by Ravelry.


“Languages” allows you to select which language(s) the pattern is available in. 


“Gallery” is your pattern’s photo library. The photos should import according to the order you have them in on your Ravelry listing. 

Clicking on "Edit details" enables you to add copyright and captions. This is also where you can update the alt text for each picture. For more information on how alt text works on Gosadi and best alt text practices, refer to the articles below: [Link to articles: How Alt Text Works on Gosadi, Alt Text Best Practices]. Additionally, you may add or remove photos.

Keep in mind this is your main photo gallery for your pattern. You will have the option to make decisions later as to what photos appear on what Selling Channels in the Selling Channels tabs.


“Files” should import according to what you have listed for your pattern on Ravelry. If you have multiple files, please ensure they are all imported correctly. You may also add or remove files here. 

Descriptive Text:

This tab should be blank upon import but will be important in Housekeeping. You want to take any flavor text that was in the pattern description/notes section (found on the Ravelry Tab in Selling Channels) and place it here.

You can also take this as an opportunity to add flavour text if you have not previously done so.

Selling Channels:

This tab contains information specific to each Selling Channel, like everything related to the pattern's Ravelry listing. Review all the information imported here carefully before proceeding.

Note: The information on this page will only sync directly with this Selling Channel. Any information you want to go to every Selling Channel should be removed from here and placed into the More Info section.

2. Once you’ve completed all the fields on one screen, click "SAVE & CONTINUE" to move to the next.

Step 3: Finalizing Housekeeping and Publishing Your Listing

  1. On the Selling Channels screen , you will have the option to save your updates as a draft or push your updates to your customer facing sites.

  2. A tab for each of your connected Selling Channel will appear at the top. Click Ravelry.

  3. There are fields specific to each Selling Channel. For Ravelry you’ll want to scroll down and:

    • Add / update / check pricing

    • Add a link for the free version of your pattern if applicable

    • Assign files to each language you offer this pattern in

Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this screen and select whether you want to save your changes as a draft or sync them to your public facing site.

Where will my Ravelry Housekeeping edits appear

If you selected “SYNC TO RAVELRY” in the on the Ravelry Selling Channel page your edits will sync to your Ravelry page and customers who visit that page will see the latest changes.

Final Thoughts

Completing the Housekeeping process for your Ravelry patterns using gosadi is pivotal for effective pattern management and successful selling experiences. By following this step-by-step guide, you can ensure your pattern details are up-to-date and accurately presented across various Selling Channels. If you need further support or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at We're always here to help!

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