Release 9/8/2023

๐Ÿš€ Beta Release Update! ๐Ÿš€

We've been hard at work addressing valuable feedback from our dedicated beta users. This release is all about fine-tuning and bug fixes to enhance your experience with gosadi. Here's a breakdown of what's new:

Signup Improvements ๐Ÿ“

City Updates: Users can now update their city in their profile if Google can't locate it by zip code.

Subscription Page Enhancement: Say hello to clarity! The "Choose subscription" page buttons now boldly say "Start Your Free Trial Now."

Global Accessibility: Users from any corner of the world can now sign up without zip code restrictions.

Password Validator Fix: The special character validation for passwords has been fixed for a smoother sign-up experience.

Product Management Refinements ๐Ÿงต

Sync Errors Solved: Weโ€™ve addressed internal server errors when syncing changes to your patterns on Ravelry.

ASCII Character Fixes: We've addressed a backend bug that was causing issues when importing patterns from Ravelry that contain ASCII characters.

DLP Enhancements ๐ŸŒŸ

Tooltips Perfected with Accessibility in Mind: We're committed to accessibility, and that includes our tooltips. In this release, we've addressed tooltip issues while making sure they're accessibility-friendly. We've increased the icon size and updated the links for a smoother and more inclusive experience.

Pattern Description Polished: Fixed DLP pattern description spacing and formatting for a more professional look.

Website Fixes ๐ŸŒ

Blog Bliss: Spacing issues on the blog have been ironed out for a more comfortable reading experience.

Ravelry Links Reconnected: Broken Ravelry links on DLP have been fixed.

Policy Pathways Reestablished: Broken links to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy on the signup screen have been restored for your convenience.

We're dedicated to delivering a seamless experience, and your feedback is a crucial part of our journey. Feel free to share any thoughts or suggestions as we continue to improve and offer you the best possible experience.

Thank you for being a part of the gosadi community! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿงถ

  • Signup

    Allow users to update their city in their profile if google can't find it by zip code

    Choose subscription page buttons should say. "Start Your Free Trial Now"

    Users can now sign up from any country without zip restrictions

    Fixed password special character validator

    Manage Products

    Fixed internal server errors when users attempted to sync changes to their patterns on Ravelry

    Fixed backend bug when importing a pattern from ravelry that contains ascii characters


    Addressed Tooltip Issues: Increase icon size and update link

    Fixed DLP pattern description spacing and formatting


    Fixed spacing issue on blog

    Fixed broken Ravelry links on DLP

    Fixed broken links to TOS and Privacy policy on signup screen

Guest User