Release 8/29/2023

📣 Exciting Announcements! 📣

Welcome to our latest release packed with enhancements and improvements designed to elevate your journey on gosadi. Here's an in-depth look at what's changed:

Introducing gosadi Beta 🚀

gosadi Beta is now live! Joining our community of beta testers, comes with a 6-month free trial.

More Tool Tips! ℹ️

Tool tips will continue to be added to guide you through the platform, making your journey even smoother.

Control Your DLP Visibility 👁️‍🗨️

The power is in your hands with Hide DLP! Construct your profile privately, then unveil it to the world when you're ready.

Continuous Accessibility Enhancements ♿

We remain dedicated to accessibility. In this update we've improved pattern editing with responsive layouts, especially when using magnification. This ensures clear readability and usability at all zoom levels.

Evolving gosadi SMARTS! 📚

Our commitment to refining gosadi SMARTS continues, enhancing how it generates information about patterns, to better serve you. We’ve increased the ability for SMARTS to capture pattern data (such as Skill Level) upon import.

Multi-Select Pick List for Attributes 🔖 

Managing patterns just got easier now that Attributes is a multi-select picklist. Simply expand the picklist and click away.

File Management 📁

Take control of your files on both a product and Selling Channel level. Further customize your Selling Channels by sharing specific files on specific channels.

Skill Level Filtering for your Public DLP 💪 

Your customers can now discover which of your patterns are aligned with their skill level, effortlessly. 

🐞 Bug Fixes 🐞

Ravelry Sync Errors: We've tackled the pesky Ravelry Sync errors, ensuring seamless synchronization for your peace of mind.

Descriptive Text: The Ravelry Selling Channel tab will now display updates to the Descriptive Text for patterns imported from Ravelry

We're confident these updates will elevate your gosadi experience and productivity. Your feedback is vital to us, so don't hesitate to share your suggestions or concerns. We're on a continuous journey of improvement, aiming to provide you with nothing short of excellence.

Thank you for being a part of gosadi! 🚀

  • Product Management

    Enabled Selling Channels Tabs

    Made Attributes Picklist Multi- Select 

    File Gallery ImprovementsDescriptive Text Fixes

    Gauge Tooltip Enhancement

    Designer Landing Page

    Hide/Show DLP

    Skill Level Filter on DLP

    DLP Bug Fixes


    Fixed Text Cut-off on Pattern Details Screen

    gosadi SMARTS

    Gosadi Smarts Fixes

    Smarts Import Algorithm Fix

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