Release 11/30/2023

🔥Critical Hotfixes in Latest Release🔥

We are continuing in our efforts of providing a seamless experience on gosadi. As a result, we are continuing to focus on improvements, including the following:

Resolving DLP Sorting Functionality 🔄

Addressed an issue where the DLP sorting, both Oldest to Newest and Newest to Oldest, was not functioning correctly. This fix ensures accurate and seamless sorting of your content within the DLP.

Multi-Photo Uploads 📸

Fixed an issue that prevented users from uploading multiple photos simultaneously. Now, you can upload multiple photos at a time.

More Info URL Field Stability 🌐

Addressed an issue causing the More Info URL field to revert to its previous value after clearing and saving. This fixensures the field maintains its intended value consistently.

Resolved Hotlink Issue in Text Editor ⚙️

Fixed an issue where hotlinks were not being captured in enriched text editor fields. Now, hyperlinks work seamlessly within the text editor, improving content usability.

Accessibility Enhancements ♿

The delete account confirmation popup has been updated to meet essential accessibility requirements. This enhancement ensures a more inclusive experience for all users.

The font color for Notes and To Do placeholders has been adjusted for better visibility and a more user-friendly interface.

Enhanced Ravelry Token Verification 🔑

Implemented additional checks for expired Ravelry tokens to prevent unnecessary errors. This update ensures that the expired token error won't disrupt the user when reconnection isn't mandatory, fostering a smoother experience.

Resolved DLP Search Fail 🔍

Fixed an issue causing DLP search failure due to autocomplete not updating as expected. Now, the autocomplete feature functions seamlessly, providing accurate and expected results during searches.

Resolved DLP Pattern Link Issue 🧵

Addressed an issue where DLP patterns were linking to a Null pattern in Ravelry. This fix ensures that the correct patterns are accurately linked, providing users with reliable and accurate information.

Terms of Service (TOS) Updates 📜

Updated the Terms of Service to ensure accuracy, clarity, and compliance. These updates aim to provide users with clear guidelines and align Gosadi with current standards.

Required Yarn 🧶

Implemented the ability to set multiple yarn options as required or optional within patterns. This brings more clarity into designs, allowing creators to specify yarn preferences based on their design needs.

Adding New Blog, Website, or Ebook📚

Addressed an issue where the "Add New Blog, Website, or Ebook" option was intermittently unavailable when a match couldn't be found. This fix guarantees that users can access the option when appropriate. 

Sorting New Photos on Selling Channel Tabs 📷

Fixed an issue where users were unable to sort new photos on Selling Channel tabs after removing old photos. This fix ensures that users can seamlessly arrange and manage their photos, promoting a more organized and efficient workflow.

Resolved Loading Issue with Pattern Details Page 🔄

Fixed the issue that caused the Pattern Details page to appear blank upon clicking into patterns until the page was reloaded. This fix ensures seamless navigation and proper display of pattern details without the need for reloading.

Fixed Persisting Housekeeping Alert 🏠

Addressed an issue where Housekeeping alerts persisted on some patterns despite completion of all required fields. Now, Housekeeping alerts are cleared appropriately when all mandatory fields are filled, providing a more accurate pattern management experience.

Resolved Ravelry Error 🧶

Addressed a bug causing Ravelry errors with code 504. This fix ensures smoother interactions with Ravelry, offering a more seamless experience for our users.

New Email Subscription Popup 📧

Implemented a new email subscription popup to our Marketing site to enhance user engagement. This addition offers users an intuitive way to subscribe to emails, keeping them updated on Gosadi news and offerings.

Enhanced Newsletter Form & Signup Buttons 🔘

Improved the newsletter format and button appearance for a more engaging user experience. This enhancement ensures an appealing newsletter layout.

Fixed Failed Import Email Issue 📩

Resolved an issue where users were receiving failed import emails despite having no patterns to import from Ravelry. This fix ensures that users receive accurate and relevant notifications, eliminating unnecessary emails.

Your feedback is instrumental in our continuous improvement efforts. If you encounter further issues or have additional suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your ongoing support in making gosadi a better platform for everyone! 🌟🔧

  • Dashboard

    - Updated Notes To Do Placeholder font color

    My Account

    - Updated the delete account confirmation popup to meet accessibility requirements

    Manage Connections

    - Resolved issue with failed import email sending to users when they have no patterns to import from Ravelry.

    Product Library

    - Fixed ability to upload more than one photo at a time

    - Prevent more info URL field from reverting to previous value after clearing and saving

    - Fixed hotlinks not being captured in enriched text editor fields.

    - Fixed issue with Add New Blog, Website or ebook option not always presenting

    - Fixed issue with users being unable to sort new photos on Selling Channel tab, after removing old photos

    - Fixed blank Pattern Details page when clicking into patterns, until the page is reloaded

    - Fixed Housekeeping alert not clearing on some patterns when all required fields are complete

    - Resolved failed Ravelry request that resulted in 504 errors


    - Fixed DLP Oldest / Newest and Newest / Oldest sort functionality.
    - Fixed DLP patterns that linked to a Null pattern in Ravelry


    - Updated Terms of Service

    - Moved Userway widget to prevent covering buttons

    - Implemented a new Beta enrolment process

    - Implemented a new email subscription popup

    - Improved Marketing newsletter signup form and buttons

    - Updated Welcome Email template

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