Release 10/30/2023

🚀 Exciting Updates in the Latest Release 🚀

We're thrilled to introduce a wave of new features, improvements, and critical fixes to enhance your gosadi experience. Here's a breakdown:

New Features

Notes & To Dos 📝

The User Dashboard now features the ability to create, edit, and delete To-Dos and Notes for a more organized and productive user experience.

Email Updates 📧

You can now reset your email address with ease and security using OTP (One-Time Password).

Real-time Import Progress Tracking 🔄

A new import progress bar provides a clear visual indicator of your product import progress. Whether it's your first import or a reimport,  you can now track the progress in real-time.

Enhanced Selling Channel Control 🛍️

Customize the order in which your Selling Channels appear on the Designer Landing Page (DLP), giving you  greater control over your profile's appearance.


Accessibility Improvements  🔍

The product description preview popup is now larger, allowing users to view more at a glance.

Improved Manage Connections 🔌

You can now manage your import connection without disconnecting. Including, importing only new products or importing all products.

Enhanced Error Messages

An alert icon is now displayed on the Selling Channel logo if your connection to a Selling Channel has expired.

The error message when syncing more than 10 images has been refined for more clarity.

Informative Gallery Page Text 🖼️

The Gallery page now provides informative text, including cloud storage upload limitations.

🪲 Bug Fixes 🪲

The pagination numbers on the Product Library have been fixed for a smoother browsing experience.

A state management issue that prevented publications from being saved has been resolved.

An issue related to missing data when syncing to Ravelry has been successfully addressed.

The issue in the account deletion process, preventing accounts from expiring after 24 hours of being deleted, has been resolved.

The problem with the social links list being populated through the tooltip on the DLP Profile has been fixed, resulting in a more intuitive workflow.

We value your feedback and continuously strive to make gosadi even better. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you for being an integral part of the gosadi community! 🌟

  • Dashboard

    Notes and To Dos are fully implemented with the ability to add, edit and delete

    My Account

    Change email features has been implemented with rate limiting and OTP for security

    Postal code field on onboarding is now optional for countries that do not have zip/postal codes

    Manage Connections

    Import progress bar added to support real- time import tracking added to the UI

    Importing without disconnecting

    Importing new products only

    Expired alert on Selling Channel when connection is no longer valid

    Product Library

    Fixed pagination numbers on the Product Library

    Update text on Gallery page to include cloud storage upload limitation

    Improved Ravelry integration stability when certain product data is missing

    Improve error message wording when syncing more than 10 images

    Fixed state management issue preventing publications from being saved to the database

    Enlarge Descriptive Text preview popup


    Users can now reorder the display of their Selling Channels on their DLP

    Improve user experience when managing social links on DLP profile.

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